The Dangers Of Creosote Build-Up

When it comes to keeping your chimney and fireplace working well year after year, a little annual maintenance can go a long way. Investing in a CSIA-recommended annual inspection is one step that guarantees a lower risk of gas leaks, house fires, and a whole lot more....

Sweep Away Cancer

Cancer is one thing that has impacted the lives of almost everyone. Whether you’ve fought a personal battle with it or witnessed a loved one undergo this fight, it’s not something that is ever welcome, and countless people are now joining together to raise money,...

Fire Prevention Starts With Education

Here at Sweeps & Ladders, we strongly believe in the importance of fire safety and education. When a family is prepared for an emergency situation, they have a much better chance of ensuring everyone stays safer and that proper authorities get on the case as...

We Can Repair Your Water Damaged Chimney!

One of the most detrimental things that can happen to your masonry chimney is water damage. Water shortens the life of your chimney without being seen, working behind the scenes to wreak havoc. The structural damage that water can do over time is comparable to what a...
Let Our Certified Sweeps Inspect Your Chimneys

Let Our Certified Sweeps Inspect Your Chimneys

If you’re in the Middle Tennessee area and are in need of a chimney inspection or anything related, look no further than Sweeps & Ladders Chimney Services of Franklin, TN. Our business is centered on having the best sweeps with all the proper certifications in...

That Time of Year Again!

It is that time of year again! I love the fall. The leaves are starting to turn, football is is full swing and the temperature is starting to cool. This is when people start thinking about sitting around the fireplace with their friends and family. There is just...

What makes us different?

I was asked this question the other day. What makes us different than every other chimney company out there? I was glad that someone asked me this question. So, what is it that makes us different? In order to answer this question I must first tell you why my wife and...
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